Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Franklin Guitierrez

The injury last night to Franklin Gutierrez, one of our favorite players, provides the perfect opportunity to bring up one of our main critiques of Dave Sims. Sims plays favorites, and Gutierrez is his favorite. It was painfully obvious before last night, and we felt amazingly validated when Sims repeatedly stated that Guti was the Ms' 'best player.' This is clearly not the case, a blatant oversight. How did we come to already know that Guti was Dave's favorite? He just seems to love saying Guti's name, never missing a chance to say Gutierrrez with the exaggerated, (if correct), pronounciation of a spanish speaker, which Dave is not. Example: Oh it's the 2-1 pitch to Gutierrez, and Gutierrez swings, and that was a great pitch to Gutierrez there. And Franklin Guitierrez slips back in the box, Gutierrez waiting here for the next pitch. It's almost as if he's showing off his spanish pronunciation, but he clearly likes Guti a lot.

That's all fine and good, but notice that Sims never does this pronounciation gymnastics with anyone elses names, to the other players with spanish names, not Ryan Langerhans, and certainly not Ichiro - all of which he butchers. It's like Dave truly thinks he has discovered something with his unique, (again, shading towards correct), pronunciation of Guitierrez, and he's trying to seem worldly. Great Dave - now get the rest of the names right you ethnic name nazi! It's bad enough your general shtick is from the mid-Atlantic, but this particular, constant brandishing of pronunciations always leaves us with a bad taste in our mouth. Basically Dave, just stop drawing attention to yourself, and draw it more to the game, and Mike Blowers, who you clearly seem to not be friends in real life with. You are quickly become the most awkward pair since Jim Palmer and Gary Thorne on MASN, (there's certainly a mid-atlantic reference you should be able to relate to.)

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